ERTS China Tour (Sichuan)
Time:2017-04-14 18:33  Click: 0
On March 30, ERTS delegates visited the Entrepreneurship Town in Nanchong of Sichuan. Nanchong Entrepreneurship Town is also designed by NITA, which composes of college student entrepreneurship area, Internet + e-shop village, high-tech transformation area and back-people area. The planning and design of this project not only protects the original ecological environment, but also integrates with the modern technology. Delegates also observed the high-tech transformation achievements including 3D printing and driverless cars. On March 31, they visited Qinglian Poetry Town in Jiangyou county and Xinan Agricultural Park. During the meeting, delegates had in-depth communication with the local government, exchanged ideas and suggestions on the feature town design and development, and looked forward to establish a substantive cooperation in the future.