ERTS China Tour (Hangzhou)
Time:2017-04-14 18:29  Click: 0
In the afternoon of March 29, ERTS delegates went to Hangzhou and visited the Dream Town. This project is one of the most representative feature town projects designed by NITA Design Group. The Dream Town will be built into an ideal work and life carrier for entrepreneurs in an era of "Internet +". The most attractive aspect in the design is “O town” concept (organic town, open town and opportunity town), which is achieved through the renovation of old buildings in Cangqian ancient town, idea of Cloud and the Field of Hope in the middle area. During the visit, delegates can feel the characteristics of Chinese culture and also the application of European modern science and technology. All of them regarded that it was a kind of advanced thinking for NITA to combine the Chinese and western culture in such a perfect way.