Society of Europe Rural Town (ERTS)

In the last years, the Society of Europe Rural Town (ERTS) has observed that Chinese governments at all levels are proactively implementing the strategies of developing feature towns, which will have far-reaching historical significance on expanding the investment, stimulating the demand, promoting new industries, improving the environment, carrying forward the culture, and pushing the sustainable development of tourism. Last October, the Chinese Ministry of Housing and three other ministries jointly issued the list of potential 127 feature towns and clarified another 1000 towns featured with leisure tourism, trade and logistics, modern manufacturing, science and technology, education, traditional culture and livable environment to be built in the following years. Governments at all levels also propose the feature towns development strategies. The Central Government, financial institutions and provincial governments have already issued hundreds of relevant preferential policies.

ERTS believes that building a feature town is a hot topic for all Chinese decision makers, investors, designers, managers and operators, as it covers not only aspects of the policy making and system innovation, but also the establishment of planning and design, industry positioning, investment mode and business models. Additionally, exploration is also needed in the planning concept, design method, public facilities, ecological protection, environmental governance, cultural excavation, landscape, intelligent application, supporting functions, creative arts education training and aspects alike. 

ERTS regards the small town development in Europe is relatively mature, which can provide a lot of valuable experience including technologies and concepts. This gives many potential opportunities for relevant European institutions to expand the market in China. Now is the best time for feature town related institutions in the field of economy, culture, technology, design, education and equipment to come to China, carrying out consulting services and business cooperation.