
Before one reaches Nerja, there is a turnoff for Frigiliana and one goes up the mountain for about 8 kilometers. Frigiliana has been named the most picturesque village in Spain for many years in a government run contest and it is a white town. Every small plaza has a chapter of the town's history done in ceramic tile. As one see all the plazas, one understands the complete history of the town. During Moorish times many of the Moorish nobles lived in this town. This town is truly extremely charming and unforgettable. Many foreigners are now buying houses in the town. One can walk up to the top of the town and get very good views of the seacoast. The sweet wine of Frigiliana is famous and many visitors go to this town just to buy the wine. This town has had the least development of white towns along the coast, so it is the most original. The charm of this town is overwhelming.